Séminaire étudiant - Madame Wang Yanyu

Séminaire étudiant
Par: Madame Wang Yanyu
Organic Ionic Plastic Crystals (OIPCs) Composite Electrolytes for Lithium-organic Batteries
Lithium-organic batteries that use organic materials as electrode materials and allow transition-metal free battery compositions are highly promising for large-scale energy harvesting systems. Organic ionic plastic crystals (OIPCs), structural analogue of ionic liquids but in solid form at room temperature, have received considerable attentions. OIPCs have shown attractive merits of chemical/electrochemical stability, high thermal stability and plastic mechanical properties, making them promising candidates for (quasi-)solid-state electrolyte materials in electrochemical devices. OIPCs are usually powdery or waxy materials, which are difficult to apply as solid electrolytes in their neat form. The OIPC-based polymer composites have provided a new strategy for improving the mechanical and electrochemical properties for high-performance solid electrolyte materials. Until now, there is no research published with regards to the application of OIPC-based polymer composites as electrolyte materials for Li-organic batteries. Therefore, it is of great importance to explore OIPC-based polymer composites as electrolyte materials for Li-organic batteries, which circumvent the dissolution problem of organic electrode materials and promote the Li-organic batteries with high capacity and good cycle life. In this Seminar the Li-organic battery and OIPC-based composite electrolytes will be introduced and my recent work progress on developing the OIPC-based composite electrolytes for Li-organic batteries will be presented.
Location: Campus MIL - Complexe des sciences 1375, avenue Thérèse-Lavoie-Roux A-2543 Montréal QC Canada