Conférence du Professeur Dirk Kurth (Würzburg)

Titre : Metallo-Supramolecular Polyelectrolytes (MEPEs): Fundamentals and Applications.
Cette conférence sera prononcée (en anglais) par le professeur Dirk Kurth de la chaire en Chemical Technology of Advanced Materials, au sein de la Faculté de chimie et de pharmacie de la Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg. Ce dernier est professeur invité du CRMAA et entreprend un court séjour à Montréal.
Résumé : Chemistry based functional materials rely on the integration of molecular, colloidal or polymeric components into a specific material architecture in order to express specific functions. Examples include liquid crystal displays (LCDs), organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), electrochromic windows (ECWs), or photovoltaic cells like the Grätzel cell. In the past we have investigated supramolecular interactions and molecular self-assembly in order to organize a variety of potential building blocks into complex architectures. Metallo-supramolecular polyelectrolytes (MEPEs) combine the properties of metal ion coordination compounds with colloidal and polymer properties making them attractive candidates for materials science. Short, rigid terpyridines and related ligands form even with kinetically labile metal ions macromolecular assemblies in aqueous solutions. Using a variety of complementary methods we could show that the resulting MEPEs form rigid-rod type macro-assemblies that respond to external stimuli. The positive charge can be used to incorporate MEPEs in different architectures, including fluid crystalline phases, mesoporous materials or thin films. The final materials show interesting properties including spin-crossover, thermo- and mechano-chromic properties, an electro-rheological effect as well as electro-chromic effects. The fabrication, the structure and function of these materials will be discussed in detail.
Location: Université de Montréal - Pavillon J.-Armand-Bombardier