Conférence de chimie avec le Professeur Mathieu Frenette de Université du Québec à Montréal

Par Mathieu Frenette, UQAM
TITRE: Embracing the Interestingly Complex Mechanisms of (Photo)redox Reactions
Hôte: Prof. Nikolay Kornienko
ID de réunion : 960 1820 7505
Code secret : 010421
Mathieu Frenette grew up in Northern New-Brunswick and did his PhD at the University of Ottawa with Prof Tito Scaiano in the field of photochemistry and organic radicals.
At Stanford, he held an NSERC PDF to study iron-based protein reaction intermediates in the group of Edward Solomon.
With Gonzalo Cosa and Tomislav Friscic at McGill, he worked on luminescent metal-organic frameworks and for a third and final post-doc, he studied non-linear photoacoustic imaging with Jonathan Rochford at UMass Boston.
Since 2015, Mathieu is a professor of analytical chemistry at the Université du Québec à Montréal where he employs theoretical and spectroscopic methods to study reaction mechanisms and reactive intermediates.
Location: Campus MIL