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Conférence avec le professeur Moris S. Eisen de Technion – Institut israélien de technologie

Catalytic Metal-Hydride Regeneration from Metal-Alkoxides and Metal-Amidos

Abstract:  Organoactinide-based complexes have received considerable attention from researchers since actinides possess unique features that cannot be found among other transition metals. Their very sizeable ionic radii give rise to large formal coordination numbers and unusual coordination geometries. The presence of 5f valence orbitals is another characteristic of the actinides that differs distinctly from the d-block and the lanthanides elements, as it has been shown that these orbitals are partially responsible for metal reactivities. We will present how to design actinide catalysts to foster unique catalytic transformations. The effect of the ligand size (five, six, and seven membered-ring N-heterocyclic iminato ligands) towards the reactivity of the complexes with oxygen-containing substrates. We will also present the catalytic deoxygenation of amides towards amines.

Location: Campus MIL