Conférence avec la professeure Xing-Fang Li de University of Alberta

Analytical Advances Enabling Studies of Drinking Water Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs) of Toxicological Relevance
Xing-Fang Li
Division of Analytical and Environmental Toxicology, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6R 2G3 Canada
The most effective means for preventing waterborne infection is drinking water disinfection. However, the very disinfection processes that kill microorganisms also produce a variety of disinfection by-products (DBPs). These chemical compounds are formed as by-products from reactions between the disinfectants (e.g., chlorine) and the natural organic matter and contaminants in water. Epidemiological studies conducted in several countries have consistently shown an increased risk of bladder cancer associated with consumption of chlorinated drinking water. Regulated DBPs do not account for the observed risks. To date, the majority (~70%) of halogenated DBPs in drinking water remains unknown. Thus, the exact DBPs in the disinfected water that contribute to the increased bladder cancer risk are not known. To identify the unknown DBPs of toxicological relevance, we have focused on the development of ultra-sensitive analytical techniques for structure identification and quantification. These techniques take advantages of specific pre-concentration, efficient chromatographic separation, and highly sensitive mass spectrometry detection. We also develop cell assays for characterization of toxicity of emerging DBPs. The presentation will highlight analytical and toxicological characterization of emerging DBPs such as haloquinones in drinking water and discuss the knowledge gaps in DBP research.
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ID de réunion : 889 4014 7623
Code secret : 465235
Location: Lieu virtuel / En ligne ZOOM Montréal Québec Canada