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Conférence avec la professeure Mita Dasog de Dalhousie University

Titre : Plasmonic Metal Nitride Nanostructures: The Story So Far

Lieu: En Ligne

Participer à la réunion Zoom:

ID de réunion : 826 3317 6072
Code secret : 995061


Education and Employment 

Assistant Professor, Dalhousie University (current)

Postdoctoral Fellow, California Institute of Technology (2016)

Green Talents Visiting Scholar, Technical University of Munich (2014)

PhD, University of Alberta (2014)

BSc (High Honors), University of Saskatchewan (2009)

Research Focus

Dasog group develops nano and micro materials for solar light absorption, generation of chemical fuels using renewable energy, and plasmonics-driven catalysis and desalination.

Location: Campus MIL