Séminaire - Candidat Professeur - Peter E. Sues

Titre : “Using Ligand Design and Mechanistic Investigations to Develop Catalysts for Asymmetric Hydrogenation and Olefin Metathesis''Endroit : Pavillon Roger-Gaudry, salle G-715 à 11 h 00.
Cette conférence sera prononcée par Peter E. Sues, Ph.D. du Massachusetts Institute of Technology, postdoctorant sous la supervision du Professeur Richard R. Schrock.
Résumé : The asymmetric hydrogenation (AH) of polar double bonds is an important process that is used by the pharmaceutical, perfume, and food industries in the synthesis of enantiopure alcohols and amines. Traditionally, platinum metal-based catalysts are used to catalyze these reactions on the industrial scale. This presentation will explore alternative iron(II) carbonyl systems with multidentate ligands, which are highly active and selective in the AH of prochiral ketones. Using experimental and computational methods, the mechanism of action of these systems, and their decomposition pathways will be discussed, along with a ruthenium half-sandwich complex capable of activating dioxygen. In addition, the development of olefin metathesis (OM) catalysts in the context of alkane metathesis (AM), a process for generating diesel fuels from biomass, will also be presented. Strategies to design systems stable at high temperatures will be discussed, as will mechanistic insights into the decomposition pathways of OM catalysts at high temperatures. Lastly, the synthesis of heterogeneous OM catalysts will be outlined, and their activities for both OM and AM will be presented.
Emplacement : Pavillon Roger Gaudry - Université de Montréal