Conférence du Professeur Curtis Berlinguette (UBC)

Titre : Unlocking the Secrets of the Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell.
Endroit : Pavillon J.A.-Bombardier, salle 1035 à 11 h
Hôte : Garry Hanan
La conférence sera prononcée par le professeur Curtis Berlinguettes, des départements de chimie et d'ingénierie biologique et chimique au sein de l'University of British Columbia.
Résumé : Our program has developed a series of cyclometalated ruthenium(II) complexes of type [RuII(N^N)2(C^N)]z to accomplish the requisite light-absorption and charge-separation events in the dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC). This class of molecules offers a distinct advantage over conventional ruthenium-based dyestuff for DSSC applications because the replacement of the NCS- ligands with aromatic ligands presents the opportunity to manipulate both the ground- and excited-state energy levels. This presentation will detail how the careful design of this class of compounds has yielded unprecedented resolution of key reaction steps in the DSSC, including regeneration of oxidized dyes, and intra- and inter-molecular hole-transfer at the semiconductor interface.
Emplacement : Polytechnique Montréal - Pavillon J.-Armand-Bombardier