Conférence de Karen Faulds, Ph.D. (Strathclyde)

Titre : Multiplexed and Sensitive Molecular Diagnostics Using SERRS.
Salle : Pavillon J.-A.-Bombardier, salle 1035 à 13 h
Hôte : Professeur Jean-François Masson
Cette conférence sera prononcée (en anglais) par Karen Faulds, Ph.D., du Département de chimie pure et appliquée de l'Université de Strathclyde (Écosse).
Résumé : Surface enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) is an analytical technique with several advantages over competitive techniques in terms of improved sensitivity and multiplexing. We have made great progress in the development of SERRS as a quantitative analytical method, in particular for the detection of DNA. However, the lack of quantitative data relating to real examples has prevented more widespread adoption of the technique. Detection of specific DNA sequences is central to modern molecular biology and also to molecular diagnostics where identification of a particular disease is based on nucleic acid identification. Many methods exist and fluorescence spectroscopy dominates the detection technologies employed with different assay formats. Another advantage of SERRS over existing detection techniques is that of the ability to multiplex which is limited when using techniques such as fluorescence. We have clearly demonstrated the ability to identify the presence of a mixture of 6 analytes in solution using data analysis techniques. Here we demonstrate the development of new bioassays based upon SERRS which have been used successfully for the detection of bacterial pathogens using modified SERRS active probes. The probes have been designed to give a specific SERRS response resulting in discernable differences in the SERRS which can be correlated to a specific DNA hybridisation event.
Emplacement : Université de Montréal - Pavillon J.-Armand-Bombardier