Conférence de chimie avec Prof. Massimo Marcaccio

Conférence de chimie avec le professeur Massimo Marcaccio, du département de chimie de l'Université de Bologne.
Titre: ''Carbon Nanostructures for Energy Convertion Probed by Electrochemical Tools''
Lieu: Local G-815, Pavillon Roger-Gaudry
Hôte : Mickaël Dollé
Résumé: The increasing need for energy on global scale and the environmental concerns for the unsustainable oil-based economy prompted a reinassance of the research field regarding the chemical energy conversion, which is very challenging to find new strategies to “power” the planet,1 and many efforts have been done in the last few years.
Carbon based nanostructured systems, such as nanotubes and graphene derivatives, have enormous potential for their unique properties2 both as individual entities and functionally integrated nanocomposites with inorganic moieties, to be used in efficient energy conversion devices and for energy-related catalytic applications.
Electrochemistry has played a special role in the investigation of the electronic properties of such carbon nanostructures, since their appearance as new molecular materials. In particular, here it will be shown as electrochemistry is used to probe the electronic properties of such systems by either direct voltammetric inspection or coupling it with spectroscopic or microscopy techniques, thus allowing to single out the redox potentials of a collection of nanotubes or analyze the reactivity when the system is used as catalytic material as, for example, for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER)3 and the oxygen reduction reation (ORR).
1 N. Armaroli, V. Balzani Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2007, 46, 52-66
2 M. Iurlo, et al. Chem. Commun. 2008, 4867-4874
2 Toma, et al., Nature Chemistry 2010, 2, 826-
* Conférence présentée en anglais
Emplacement : Pavillon Roger Gaudry - Université de Montréal