Conférence de chimie avec le professeur Jean-François Gohy

Titre: Application of RedoxPolymers in Li-ion Batteries
Cette conférence sera prononcée (en anglais) par le professeur Jean-François Gohy de l'université Catholique de Louvain.
Résumé:A rational management of the energy resources and consumption is at the center of the preoccupations of a world in constant development. In this context, a sustainable development and exploitation of the energetic resources is asked, necessitating practical and quick solutions to direct the economy towards an energetic autonomy. This presentation is centered on the development of novel energy storage systems with enhanced performances through original organic electroactive material chemistry and engineering approaches. Deciphering the fundamental flaws and building better organic batteries is our primary target, the long-term goal of this research being the development of sustainable all-carbon-based batteries. Based on this, we focus on three complementary yet, distinct directions with specific goals: improve and develop new organic radical materials for pseudo-capacitive energy storage by engineering high energy density nitroxide radical containing block copolymer architectures; develop novel block copolymer architectures for high performance solid polymer electrolytes and develop either hyid organic-inorganic electrochemical energy storage materials or hyid supercapacitor redox polymer gels that combine best-of-both worlds characteristics. Accordingly, this research aims the design and development of novel electroactive organic materials and architectures and, by doing so, develop faster, safer & longer-lasting organic batteries, capacitors and their hyids.
Hôte: Prof. Julian Zhu, Université de Montréal
Information supplémentaireAffiche de la conférence
Emplacement : Université de Montréal - Pavillon J.-Armand-Bombardier