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Conférence CCVC avec le Professeur Nicholas Turner (Manchester)

Titre : Cascade Reactions via Amine Biocatalysis.
Endroit : Pavillon Roger-Gaudry, salle G-1015, exceptionnellement un lundi à 14 h 30.
Hôte : Joelle Pelletier.

La conférence sera prononcée en anglais par le professeur Nicholas Turner de l'École de chimie de l'University of Manchester. Elle est commanditée par le Centre en chimie verte et catalyse (CCVC).

Résumé : This lecture will describe recent work from our laboratory aimed at developing new biocatalysts for enantioselective organic synthesis, with a particular emphasis on enzymes involved in amine biocatalysis. By applying the principles of ‘biocatalytic retrosynthesis’ it is possible to design new synthetic routes to target molecules in which biocatalysts are used in the key bond forming steps. The integration of several biocatalytic transformations into multi-enzyme cascade systems has also been a focus of recent work in our laboratories. In this context MAO-N has been used in combination with other biocatalysts and chemocatalysts in order to complete a cascade of enzymatic reactions. Other engineered biocatalysts that can be used in the context of cascade reactions include ω-transaminases, phenylalanine ammonia lyases, amine dehydrogenases, imine reductases and artificial enzymes. We are also developing combined oxidase/metal-catalyst systems for the selective oxidation of amines and alcohols to amides/lactams/aldehydes and carboxylic acids.

Information supplémentaire
Annonce PDF de la conférence

Emplacement : Université de Montréal - Pavillon Roger-Gaudry