Conférence 1/3 de la Professeure Nelsi Zaccheroni (Bologna)

Titre : La photochimie pour les non-photochimistes : comment utiliser la lumière pour des fins pratiques.
Endroit : Pavillon Claire-McNicoll, salle Z-210 de 10 h à 11 h.
Hôte : Professeur William Skene.
La conférence sera prononcée (en anglais) par la professeure Nelsi Zaccheroni, du Département de chimie de l'University of Bologna (Italie).
Résumé : This will be a very introductory lesson for students who have never studied photochemistry or those who would like to review a topic that they do not usually treat in their research but one they may be interested in reviewing with respect to its applications. Some examples of luminescent and non-luminescent species will be presented starting from an introduction to the excitation and deactivation of electronic excited states and extending the scope to include quantum yields, emission lifetimes and Jablonski diagrams. Some bimolecular processes will also be discussed together with quenching processes. Finally, after a brief presentation of redox potentials of electronic excited states, it will be shown how light can be either a reactant or product in extremely useful processes that lead to valuable practical applications such as photocatalysis and chemiluminescence.
Emplacement : Université de Montréal - Pavillon Claire-McNicoll