Experts in: Organic chemistry
Professeur émérite
Professeur adjoint
Professeur titulaire
- Organic chemistry
- Stereoselective synthesis
- Continuous flow chemistry
- Green chemistry
- Catalysis
- Cyclopropanation
- Chirality
- Amino acids
- C–H functionalization
- Enantiomers
- Heterocycles
- Organozinc chemistry
- Peptide synthesis
- Novel soluble supports
Professor Charette’s research aims at developing new catalytic methods for the stereoselective synthesis of bioactive organic compounds, which are more powerful than existing methods and compatible with sustainable chemistry. His research is contributing to the development of new molecules with applications in pharmaceuticals, agrochemistry, biology, and food and materials science.
Professeur titulaire
- Organic chemistry
- Catalysis
- Continuous flow chemistry
- Green chemistry
- Biomolecules
- Molecular materials
- Photochemistry
- Photocatalysis
Professor Collins’ group develops catalytic and asymmetric strategies for the synthesis of organic intermediates difficult to prepare using current technology, with the emphasis on syntheses applying green chemistry principles and exploiting modern technologies such as continuous-flow synthesis.
GIASSON, Richard
Professeur agrégé
Professeur/chercheur titulaire
Professor Guindon develops new synthetic sequences leading to bioactive molecules of interest in controlling inflammation and/or cancer. He also studies free radicals in various stereoselective processes to produce complex molecules.
Professeur titulaire
- Organic chemistry
- Natural products
- Medicinal chemistry
- Aminoglycosides
- Chemical Biology
- Catalysis
- Drug discovery
Professor Hanessian’s group conducts research into the total synthesis of natural products of biological importance, the design and synthesis of therapeutic products and the development of new methods of asymmetric synthesis.
LEBEL, Hélène
Professeure titulaire
- Organic chemistry
- Organometallic catalysis
- Chiral compounds
- Stereoselective processes
- Green chemistry
- Continuous flow chemistry
Professor Lebel’s group examines the development of new synthetic methodologies in organic chemistry based on the use of organometallic catalysts to produce molecules with useful properties.
LUBELL, William
Professeur titulaire
- Bio-organic chemistry
- Amino acids
- Medicinal chemistry
- Heterocycles
- Peptide mimicry
- Drug discovery
- Proteins and peptides
- Peptide synthesis
- Organic chemistry
The Lubell laboratory performs research in medicinal chemistry and peptide science, with particular interest in the development of novel effective methods for the synthesis of heterocycles, amino acids, peptides and peptide mimics.
Professeure accréditée, Professeure titulaire
- Bio-organic chemistry
- Enzyme engineering
- Biocatalysis
- Biodetection
- Drug discovery
- COVID-19
- Antibiotics and Resistance
- Organic chemistry
- Biological and Biochemical Mechanisms
Our goal is to develop a deeper understanding of enzyme structure-function relationships so as to more readily modify enzymes for defined purposes. Enzyme modification is a promising field, with a growing number of major industries rapidly increasing their activities in this sector, notably because policy changes now encourage the use of environmentally-friendly catalysts such as enzymes. The power of enzyme engineering has increased dramatically in the past 10 years. In our laboratory, we conduct combinatorial mutagenesis at the active site of enzymes then select those with the properties that interest us, in a process known as ‘accelerated evolution’. We then perform detailed kinetic and biophysical characterization as well as computer-assisted molecular modelling, to identify modified enzymes that will serve as useful catalysts. A further important focus of our work is gaining insight into enzymes that cause drug resistance, with applications in the health sector. By this approach to enzyme modification and characterization, we will contribute to bridge the gap between disciplines such as Bio-Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Bio-informatics that are all essential to the further development of modern enzymology.
SCHMITZER, Andreea-Ruxandra
Professeure titulaire, Vice-doyenne
- Organic chemistry
- Transmembrane structures
- Imidazolium salts
- Supramolecular catalysts
- Ionic liquids
- Supramolecular chemistry
- Bio-organic chemistry
- Biophysical chemistry
- Self-assembled structures
Professor Schmitzer’s research combines organic, bio-organic and supramolecular chemistry, with the goal of gaining insight into how molecular recognition and motion can be combined, for the development of new catalytic systems and new transmembrane transporters.
SKENE, William
Professeur titulaire
- Polymer chemistry
- Spectroscopy and electrochemistry
- Organic electronic devices
- Synthesis of conjugated materials
- Stimuli-responsive materials
- Green chemistry
- Materials chemistry
- Organic chemistry
- Electrochemistry
- Molecular electronics
The main focus of Professor Skene’s research is the synthesis and opto-electronic characterization of new organic materials exhibiting photophysical and electrochemical properties that are suitable for use in plastic electronics. This includes the fabrication and characterization of organic electronic devices prepared from new conjugated materials.
WUEST, James D.
Professeur titulaire
- Organic chemistry
- Supramolecular chemistry
- Molecular materials
- Molecular devices
- Nanomaterials
- Nanostructures
- Organometallic synthesis
Professor Wuest’s group uses organic and inorganic synthesis as a tool for multidisciplinary exploration of materials science, surface science and nanoscience.
Professeur titulaire
- Inorganic chemistry
- Organometallic synthesis
- Homogenous catalysis
- Pincer compounds
- Trivalent nickel
- Organometallic catalysis
- Organic chemistry
- Materials chemistry
- Synthesis of conjugated materials
Professor Zargarian’s research is centred on synthesis of organometallic complexes and studies of their diverse reactivities with the objective of developing new catalytic reactions.