Regional Mass Spectrometry Centre
The mass spectrometry facility at University de Montréal features state-of-the-art instrumentation for addressing analytical needs in organic, inorganic, environmental, and biological chemistry.
The laboratory holds a Health Canada license for analytical assays on cannabis products (LIC‑D1YKTVIV60‑2020).
Analyses offered by the mass spectrometry laboratory
- Determination of nominal mass - available ionization sources: ESI, APCI
- Accurate mass analysis (m/z 50-8000) - available ionization sources: ESI, APCI, APGC
- Analysis of high molecular weight species (proteins, DNA, RNA)
- Quantification of endogenous or exogenous species by LC-MS/MS
- Purification by preparatory liquid chromatography (usually 2-200 mg)
- Chiral and achiral separations by SFC-MS and/or SFC-UV
Example of applications
- Cannabinoid (THC, CBD et al.) qualitative and/or quantitative analysis
- Terpene analysis
- Endocannabinoid (AEA, 2-AG, OEA et al.) quantification in biological matrices
- Amino acid analysis
- Bisphenols (A, S, F) quantification
- Analysis of high molecular weight species: proteins, DNA, RNA
- Residual solvent analysis (toluene, DCM, ethanol, etc.)
- Deuterium content calculation
Custom designed analyses can be developed for targeted needs.
Submission procedure
Submission of samples for accurate mass analysis
Samples should be submitted as approximately 0.1 mg/mL solutions. The most suitable solvents are water, methanol, acetonitrile and dichloromethane. Total sample volume could vary between 0.1 and 1.5 ml. If you need to use other solvents (DMSO for example) or if you dispose of sample volumes smaller than the previously mentioned limit, ask for assistance.
Appropriate vials are available in Room B-4077 of the MIL campus.
Please fill-up the online form for each submitted sample.
Submission of samples for SFC
For analytical SFC analyses, the samples should be submitted as a solution around 1 mg/mL. The accepted solvants are methanol, isopropanol and hexanes. Samples containing water, DMF, DMSO or DCM are not suitable for analysis.
For preparative SFC, please submit samples neat.
Please fill-up the online form for each submitted sample.
The Regional Mass Spectrometry Centre offers a large selection including pricing analysis, each sample and/or time is given in the table below depending on the type of analysis.
Analysis | Academic | Private |
Masse nominale Injection directe | $30 / sample | $85 / sample |
Masse exacte Injection directe | $60 / sample | $160 / sample |
LC-MS | $60 / injection | $160 / injection |
LC prep. | $100 / heure | $275 / injection |
SFC | $30 / injection $50 / hour (dévelop. méth.) | $160 / injection |
SFC prep. | $100 / heure | $275 / injection |
LC-MS masse exacte | Rates customized for each project. | |
LC-MS/MS | Rates customized for each project. |
LC-TOF - Agilent Technologies

- Ionization sources: ESI, APCI
- Applications
- Accurate mass analyses
- LC-MS purity assessment
- Intact protein, DNA, RNA analyses
Synapt G2-S - Waters

- Ionization sources : ESI, APCI, ASAP
- Applications
- Accurate mass analyses
- Degradation products and metabolite identification/characterization by MS/MS fragmentation
- Intact protein and peptide analyses
- APGC analyses in accurate mass mode
- Ion mobility based separation
6490 LC-MS (Triple Quadrupole) - Agilent Technologies

- Ionisation source: ESI
- Applications
- Endogenous biomarkers study
- LC-MS/MS quantitative analyses
- Pharmacokinetic (DMPK) and drug bioavailability
Xevo TQ (Triple Quadrupole) - Waters

- Ionization sources: ESI, APCI
- Applications
- Endogenous biomarkers study
- LC-MS/MS quantitative analyses
- Pharmacokinetic (DMPK) and drug bioavailability
TSQ Quantum Ultra (Triple Quadrupole) - Thermo Fisher Scientific

- Ionization sources: ESI, APCI
- Applications
- Endogenous biomarkers study
- LC-MS/MS quantitative analyses
- Pharmacokinetic (DMPK) and drug bioavailability
LC-MSD (Single Quadrupole) - Agilent Technologies

- Ionization sources: ESI, APCI
- Applications
- Nominal mass
- Purity assessment
- Following reactions
- Quantitative analyses
prep-LC-MS (Single Quadrupole) - Waters

- Ionization source: ESI
- Range: 50-1000mg
- Purifications: Fraction collection by UV and/or MS
GC-MS (Single Quadrupole) - Agilent Technologies
- Ionization sources : EI
- Analysis by headspace injection
- Applications
- Quantification of volatile molecules
- Trace solvent analysis
SFC-MS (Single Quadrupole) - Agilent Technologies

- Ionization sources : ESI, APCI, ES+APCI
- Columns : OD-H, AD-H, OJ-H, AS-H, Whelk-O, Lux Cellulose (1 à 4), Lux Amylose 2
- Applications
- Chiral and achiral analyses
SFC-UV - Agilent Technologies

- UV-DAD detection
- Columns : OD-H, AD-H, OJ-H, AS-H, Whelk-O, Lux Cellulose (1 à 4), Lux Amylose 2
- Application
- Chiral analyses
prep-SFC-UV - Thar (Waters)

- Applications
- Purification of chiral compounds (in "g" range) - Columns : OD-H, AD-H, OJ-H, AS-H, Lux Cellulose (1 to 4), Lux Amylose 2
- ExPASy
Protein knowledgebase
- Scientific Instrument Services
Isotope distribution calculator and mass spec plotter
Mass Spectrometry Facility Manager
Département de chimie
1375 Avenue Thérèse-Lavoie-Roux
Montréal, QC, H2V 0B3
514 343-5614
Research assistants
Karine Gilbert - 514-34-6111 poste 3944
Marc-Antoine Vaudreuil - 514-34-6111 poste 0940
Research assistant 3 - 514-34-6111 poste 3944
Mass spectrometry lab
514 343-6111, poste 3958 (lab)
For all deliveries, please use the following address
Laboratoire de spectrométrie de masse
1375 Avenue Thérèse-Lavoie-Roux, quai de réception 2
Montréal, QC, H2V 0B3